La scena sour e wild che sta cambiando il Regno Unito, raccontata da Chris e Ben di Pastore Brewing and Blending
Chris and Ben Shepherd on how sour and wild beers are changing the UK scene Word by Francesco Pattacini Chris and Ben Shepherd are two euphoric, enthusiastic and emphatic father and son from...
Paris has rediscovered craft beer and it is beautiful We are running from one part of Paris to the other after the music party the night before....
Best craft beer Advent Calendar to end 2021 with style Forget for a moment the Advent Calendars of your childhood made with chocolates or candies unable to withstand...
Mikkeller, the MBCC 2021 and the need for change Words by Francesco Pattacini Mikkeller, like BrewDog, represented a mystical imagery in the world of European and world...
Is BrewDog facing the end of its own punk beer movement? Words by Francesco Pattacini The history of BrewDog punk beer movement, from its foundation to today, is without...
Virginia Sofia Casadio and the path to become Head Brewer of Newtown Park Brewing Words by Francesco Pattacini The experience of Virginia Sofia Casadio represents a concrete example that overturns these assumptions...
Lily Waite about Queer Brewing Project, inclusion and diversity in the world of beer Words by Francesco Pattacini Lily Waite is a British transgender artist and one of the most respected and...
Stone Brewing, 25 years of hops and revolution told by Greg Koch Words by Francesco Pattacini In some cases, revolutions have a specific flavor. In the case of Stone Brewing...
Marco Pogo, the leader of the Beer Party who took 2% in the elections in Austria Words by Francesco Pattacini How cool would be a world where beer is passed on by the state...